A Gryphon tells the truth. He does what is right, even when no one is watching.
Rightly ordered affections for the right things.
Virtue is a necessary and powerful force in realizing the Good Life. Both the curriculum and campus life initiatives are designed to cultivate rightly ordered affections in the hearts and minds of our students. These virtues are taught didactically in the classroom but are acquired through practice throughout the Capstone experience. We call our school virtues, The Gryphon's Weapons, to inspire our students to pursue as one body the virtuous life.
A Gryphon tells the truth. He does what is right, even when no one is watching.
A Gryphon is humble. She serves others before serving herself.
A Gryphon is temperate. He does not let his feelings control his thoughts or actions.
A Gryphon practices fortitude. She does hard things, even when they are difficult or scary.
A Gryphon is charitable. He is kind and helpful to everyone.
A Gryphon is reverent. She shows respect for those older and wiser than her. She knows her place in the world.
A Gryphon is prudent. He makes wise choices to believe what is True, to do what is Good, and to admire what is Beautiful.