Mission and Model
Classical education within a Christian worldview.
Capstone Classical Academy engages students to acquire wisdom, cultivate virtue, and pursue rigorous academic study within a Christian worldview through the study of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful for the glory of God and the benefit of their community.
Primacy of Christian Discipleship
For two millennia, the classical liberal arts have been pursuing the question, "What is the Good Life?" Etched in the frieze over the front doors of our campus are the words "Ego veni ut vitam habeant," which is Latin for, "I have come that they may have life." These words of Jesus shape all that we do at Capstone. We educate so that our students will find The Good Life promised not just in the teachings but in the very person of Christ. St. Paul's great declaration that in Christ "all things hold together" governs the lens through which we write curriculum, teach classes, coach athletics, direct theatre, and even prepare lunch and dine together. We unreservedly say to our students, "Follow me as I follow Christ."

The Classical Model
The aim of classical education is to cultivate virtuous humans who live well. We believe education is not about information as much as it is about formation. It's about learning how to think rather than just what to think. It encourages us to love what is Good, to admire what is Beautiful, and to believe what is True. Classical Christian education finds the embodiment of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty in the historical person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Its methods are time-tested, engaging, and highly effective not just in cultivating skills but also wisdom and virtue.
First Things at Capstone
Our faculty, staff, and leadership share with the Capstone community the guiding principles of the academy.

First Things at Capstone articles
- Title
- The Free and Disciplined Exchange of Ideas
- Description
- “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19-20
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Mar 13, 2025
- Title
- Encouraging Words
- Description
- “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Feb 27, 2025
- Title
- Family, Romance, and School
- Description
- Human sexuality, marriage, the family, and the divine design for human relationships of all kinds are foundational to any culture, and as these go, so goes that culture. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that as these go, so goes a civilization. Our cultural moment is marked by great confusion, misinformation, and disordered sexual ethics. Now, as much as any era before ours, direct instruction regarding this central human issue is essential for young people.
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Jan 29, 2025