Wise and virtuous.

Capstone Classical Academy engages students to acquire wisdom, cultivate virtue, and pursue rigorous academic study within a Christian worldview through the study of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful for the glory of God and the benefit of their community.


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Good news! We are opening new classrooms to make room for you. Schedule a visit today!

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Attend an upcoming information night. These are a chance for the general public to learn more about Capstone.

Why Capstone Classical Academy?

We believe education is meant to cultivate students into virtuous human beings who are equipped to live well. Therefore, education should be about formation, not just information.

This process of education in a child begins in the early years and, if done well, creates a love for learning that spans the child’s lifetime. Laying a foundation with specific curriculum and teaching techniques that build into the child’s natural abilities during each phase of growth creates the best soil and fosters healthy growth of knowledge and application to life.

“Education is not a subject and does not deal in subjects. It is instead a transfer of a way of life.”

G.K. Chesterton

Why Classical Education?

Classical Education is meant to cultivate students into virtuous human beings who are equipped to live well. Therefore, education should be about formation, not just information. 


Capstone Classical Academy was the the first private Hillsdale College Member School. Hillsdale has worked with numerous classical public charter schools throughout the U.S., but Capstone is an entirely private endeavor.

Hillsdale College ‘s K-12 faculty provide ongoing support through board training, assistance in hiring classically trained administrators and faculty, selecting curriculum, and providing ongoing pedagogy and curriculum training for the faculty.

Capstone is also a full member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools and the Society for Classical Learning. Through these memberships, Capstone’s board of directors, leadership team, and faculty can participate in national cohorts of classical Christian educators and leaders that provide expertise, expand professional imagination and innovation, and foster deeper connections between faith and professional practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

The idea of Capstone Classical Academy originated in August of 2020 when a piece of property, a vision for quality education, and a dream brought a group of friends together for coffee. The classical method of education was explained, and by the end of a long coffee, this group had the beginning inspiration for classical and Christian education in the Fargo area.  

  • We are  95% through a capital campaign to fund startup costs and construction of the new campus.
  • 18 acres have been purchased and construction of the new campus is underway at the intersection of 64th Ave. S. and 43 St. S. in Fargo.
  • Grades Pre-K through 8 currently meet at 3910 25th St. S. and at 2506 35th Ave. S.
  • An architect specializing in classical building design has developed the permanent site plans, with the goal of opening the 64th Ave. campus during the 2024-25 school year.

9th grade will be available in the fall of 2026. The new campus scheduled for completion in the 2024-25 school year includes high school facilities.

Yes. As said in our mission statement, “Capstone Classical Academy engages students to acquire wisdom, cultivate virtue, and pursue rigorous academic study within a Christian worldview.”


Capstone takes a biblically integrated approach to literature, art, history, science, math, and theology. Rather than confining Christianity to a Bible class, we view all subjects through the lens of Scripture.


Regarding our faculty, staff, students, and their families:

  • All faculty and administration must acknowledge and be in agreement with the confession of faith stated in the Nicene Creed.
  • Parents/Students need not be Christian to attend or benefit from the classical model.
  • We work diligently to treat each Christian tradition respectfully and thoroughly in our conduct and curriculum.
  • We provide our students with the skills to intelligently study Scripture and encourage their desire to better know God and align their lives with His will.

The school has established a self-perpetuating board that operates under the Policy GovernanceTM model.

Join us in bringing Classical Education to North Dakota

If you’re looking to enroll, teach, volunteer, or donate, contact us now to be a part of this exciting movement in Classical Christian Education.

Copyright © 2024 Capstone Classical Academy