Students and parents singing

Chapel, Lauds, and Recitation

Speaking, singing, and meditating on the Good, True, and Beautiful.


Chapel is a non-denominational, weekly, extended period of worship in song, prayer, congregational reading, call and response, and teaching of the Scriptures. Because we are a classical school, we believe that there is a rich, historic tradition within the Church from which our students can receive treasures of Goodness, Truth, and Beauty handed down from our forebears in the faith. We believe there are good contemporary songs and liturgies as well, but we most often guide our hearts, minds, and voices toward the old paths.

Students and parents singing
Spelling Bee winners


Lauds, from the Latin, laudere (to praise), is a brief daily time of praise, prayer, and meditation upon the Scriptures. It is the first activity every day in the upper school (grades 6-12). Lauds draws from the rich tradition of the Church in simple liturgies that frame the students' and faculty's day in the Gospel and in the ever-present fellowship of God with his people.


While recitation of Good, True, and Beautiful words in the shape of songs, poems, speeches, prose, and historic archives is part of the Pre-K-12 program, students in grades K-6 participate in a daily observance of a period called Recitation, during which all of the students recite together. Students delight in bringing rich content to mind and sharing with their families, friends, and teachers. Recitation stores up treasures in the hearts and minds of our students for future enjoyment and application to life.

Boys at recitation