Christian Mission
Cultivating mind, heart, and soul for Christ and his Kingdom.
A Christian School
Capstone's faculty and staff come from a wide variety of historic Christian traditions and unite around the Gospel as expressed in the Nicene Creed, adherence to the Scriptures for faith and practice within the school, and the shared historic practices of the Church in both academic scholarship and worship.
While we primarily partner with Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian families in the discipleship of their children, we welcome families from other religions and belief paradigms.
Dutch Prime Minister, Abraham Kuyper, once famously declared, "There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, 'Mine!'" At Capstone, we ask about every curriculum, every teaching method, every program, every activity, and even every physical space on campus, "How does Christ and his Gospel change our imagination, purpose, or method here?" We do so not out of legal or religious obligation but out of our exuberant love of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.
We believe that all of reality finds its ultimate meaning and purpose in Christ and that the best life for our students is found in the pursuit of Christ in all of life at the academy and beyond. Therefore, our leadership, faculty, and staff are all Christian in faith and practice and are expected to model exemplary lives of faith before their students.

Chapel, Lauds, and Recitation
We employ multiple means of pondering and hiding God's Word in our hearts daily, sharing, declaring, and celebrating the Scriptures, our Savior, and the historic worship of the Church.

Theology and Biblical Studies
Students at every grade level take a biblical studies and theology class. The curriculum moves with the grain of the classical Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric, taking students from the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith to more complex and nuanced questions of theology, doctrine, and Christian ethics.

Our curriculum is conceived and taught from a Christian worldview. From science to literature to physical education, the reality of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration influence the lens through which we study school subjects.
Campus Life
We shape campus life through habits, traditions, social, artistic, and athletic activities that create robust community in a festive, joyful pursuit of Christ not just in truth but also in relationships as we learn to love one another well.

The House Program at Capstone is a distinctive feature of the school, weaving together academics, social, athletic, artistic, and spiritual pursuits through student citizenship in one of seven Houses that compete annually for the House Cup, which goes to the House that best lives out the ideals of the academy.