Does your school share your values?
At Capstone, we work with you to train your child's mind and heart to know and desire Christ, to love and serve family, and to steward and improve society.
We Understand
We understand how difficult it is to find a school that works with you in harmony with your values and deep hopes for your child. For over thirty years, the renewal of classical Christian education has helped parents to raise adults who are fulfilled and grateful servants of their families, churches, and communities.
- Classical Christian Alumni
- Classical Christian Alumni
- teach their family about God
- 92%
- teach their family about God
- 92%
- are deeply involved in their Church
- 83%
- are deeply involved in their Church
- 83%
- have clear goals and sense of purpose
- 86%
- have clear goals and sense of purpose
- 86%
- are involved in community organizations (above study median)
- 88%
- are involved in community organizations (above study median)
- 88%
- complete college
- 90%
- complete college
- 90%
Classical alumni know and desire Christ, love and serve family, and steward and improve society. A comparative study of 24-to 42-year-old alumni from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools confirms the classical difference.


We truly feel like partners...
We feel confident if we have a need or question it will be met in a timely and thoughtful manner. We truly feel like partners in our children's education, working side by side with teachers, staff and leadership.

This education is unmatched in our region, in my opinion. The curriculum, recitation, teaching them how to speak in front of others, teaching them how to critically think and then be able to support what they believe, the high value placed on virtue, behavior, and being someone who strives for likeness of Christ.
I have never observed teaching of this caliber in my entire life. I was very impressed with my child’s teacher. It was incredible how she controlled the room but in such a kind yet firm way. I am so grateful to be part of Capstone and to have our kids there.
Our child's teacher demonstrates her love and belief in God and her role in educating our children in His name. She honors and respects parents and reaches out with issues and praises in the classroom. She is very approachable for my child and myself with anything we have wanted to discuss.
We take your expectations seriously
When it comes to your child’s education, you expect excellence. We love the pursuit of it. Our professional networks are more than cursory memberships. They are extensions of our faculty and leadership team. Each is a robust community of fellow classical Christian leaders and educators with whom we have sharpening experiences that provide inspiration and accountability, from teacher mentoring and coaching, to curriculum writing to graduate level studies in the classical liberal arts.
Put Capstone to work for your child
We are here to serve you. We want to help you find the right school for your child.
3. Interview
Tell us how we can best serve your family.
Is Capstone right for your family?
It’s hard to find a school that will work with you to fulfill your deepest hopes for your child, but we know that you are in charge of your child’s education and believe that finding such a school shouldn’t be so difficult. We’d like to help.
Capstone parents choose us because we share their values. Our parents believe that education is meant to cultivate students into virtuous human beings who are equipped to live well. They believe that education should be about formation, not just information. Here, their children learn the fundamentals of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and then use their developed skills of critical thinking and reason. They study virtue and beauty. They understand truth as the foundation for knowledge and the source of wisdom. Their success is measured in content of character as well as in breadth of knowledge. Learning is a way of life and not a means to an end.
If you share the values of Capstone parents, let’s put Capstone to work for your child. Schedule a visit today.

Tuition Support Available
Tuition and Fee Schedule (2024-2025)
We are committed to making a Capstone education possible for families, regardless of income. We want a parent and student body that reflects the socioeconomic diversity of our region. Learn more about our Tuition Support Program.
2-Day Morning Pre-K; 4 Years Old by August 1
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
Afternoon Extended Pre-K (11:00-3:00) additional $2,110. For before and after school care rates, see below.
3-Day Morning Pre-K; 4 Years Old by August 1
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
Afternoon Extended Pre-K (11:00-3:00) additional $3,160. For before and after school care rates, see below.
5-Day Morning Pre-K; 4 Years Old by August 1
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
Afternoon Extended Pre-K (11:00-3:00) additional $5,270. For before and after school care rates, see below.
K through 5th Grade
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
6th through 8th Grade
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
9th through 12th Grade
Pay annually by Aug 1 or monthly Jun 1 - May 1
$120 application fee
$250 enrollment fee
Non-refundable, paid when accepted and committed to enrolling and annually thereafter March 15.
A Capstone Education
The Capstone experience is an engaging invitation to wonder, to make sense of the world, and to create within the time-tested curriculum and methods of the classical liberal arts academy. It is a holistic experience that weaves academy traditions, scholarship, athletics, and the arts together into a cohesive whole in which Jesus Christ and his Gospel inform and animate life together on campus and in the community.
First Things at Capstone
Our faculty, staff, and leadership share with the Capstone community the guiding principles of the academy.

First Things at Capstone articles
- Title
- Encouraging Words
- Description
- “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Feb 27, 2025
- Title
- Family, Romance, and School
- Description
- Human sexuality, marriage, the family, and the divine design for human relationships of all kinds are foundational to any culture, and as these go, so goes that culture. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that as these go, so goes a civilization. Our cultural moment is marked by great confusion, misinformation, and disordered sexual ethics. Now, as much as any era before ours, direct instruction regarding this central human issue is essential for young people.
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Jan 29, 2025
- Title
- In God’s Image: The Dignity of All People
- Description
- As we continue to review the founding principles or “first things” of Capstone Classical Academy, we come to our commitment to foster a community where every individual is treated according to the dignity they have because they are made in the image of God.
- Author
- Paul Fisher
- Date
- Jan 16, 2025

Upcoming Events
Capstone families, be sure to check out the newsletter and to listen to the weekly ZipCast to stay abreast of everything Capstone.
CTP Testing Grades 1-2
All day
Capstone Parent Fellowship Meeting
Capstone Information Night
CPF Event - Skate City
Choir Concert - Pre-K through 2nd Grade
Choir Concert - 3rd through 9th Grade
Band Concert